Project outputs

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This page has links to project outputs developed during the project. Some of these are in draft form and will be replaced with final versions as they are developed.

The overall final report can be accessed File:ELF_ValueChains 180712_1.pdf here

1. Draft reports following application of refined tools for feed resource assessment (FEAST) and feed technology prioritization (Techfit)

FEAST and Techfit reports here

2. Targeted value chain assessment of feed elements of dairy, beef and sheep value chains

VCA Reports here

3. Feed dataset

File:Feed Resources Database for ELF Project ajd - Final.xls

4. Synthesis of experiences with successful small ruminant feeding strategies from elsewhere and their local applicability

File:ELF_report_feedingstrategies 180712_1.pdf

5. Assessment of feed availability and demand for small ruminant production in Menz area

File:Menz-feed_2_ reviewed.pdf

6. Synthesis workshop report

File:ELF_report_workshopsynthesis 180712_1.pdf